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Lckaey Purse Organizer for Hermes birkin bag 30 Felt organizer insert Y013M Pull beige-M

상품번호 B0C27SN7BV
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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Women
브랜드 Brand: Lckaey
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $26.80
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feltOrganizer for Hermes birkin bag, size: Birkin 25 S = 8.66×4.3×3.9 (length× width× height) inches. Birkin 30 M=10.6×5.1×4.7 (length× width× height) inches. Birkin 35 L = 12.2×5.1×5.5 (length× width× height) inches. The lining of this bag is made of high-quality superfine fiber, which is more soft, comfortable, tough and durable.purse necessities for women organizer storage bag is very suitable for Hermes birkin tpm pm gm bag. Suitable for tidying up your cosmetics, and can be better matched with luxury shoulder bags to make your bags perfect and fashionable.Purse Insert Organizer Save your time, bid farewell to messy bags, and prepare enough pockets for smart phones, keys, glasses, credit cards, cosmetics, etc, which will make the search more organized and easier. It is also a good way to keep your bags clean and tidy.Felt Organizer Insert can not only keep your bag clean, but also protect your bag lining from being dirty and damaged, keep your shoulder bag beautiful and unchangeable, prolong the service life of your bag, and it is very suitable for perfect matching.Purse Organizer for womens Super lightweight and high-quality insert is a great holiday gift choice for mom, girlfriend and friends. If you are not satisfied with the product, please contact us and we will reply you within 12 hours.

2025-01-06 22:25:41

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