해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SmileBelle Turquoise Bracelet for women, Natural turquoise jewelry as Mothers Day Gifts, 8mm (0.33 Inch) Bead handmade string healing crystal bracelet, good luck Bracelet as Birthday gifts for her

상품번호 B0C2CSGD87
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상품가격 $9.99
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Womens turquoise bracelet size: This handmade turquoise bracelet can fit all sizes of wrists, thanks to its drawstring design that allows you to adjust its size according to your requirements. The maximum adjustable size of this bracelet is 25cm (9.84 inch) and the minimum is 18cm (7.09 inch).Turquoise jewelry for women: handmade turquoise bracelets have many beneficial trace elements for the human body and can be worn for a long time to maintain a cheerful and open personality on a regular basis, making it easier to release the energy of love. It can lower blood pressure and is effective in treating human diseases.Goodluck bracelet: Turquoise is considered the birthstone of December, symbolizing victory and success, and is known as the "stone of success" and the "stone of luck". Turquoise can bring courage and confidence, make people get along with others around them, harmonize human interactions, harmonize people\'s emotions and psychology, thus maintaining a healthy and cheerful state of mind, and make people full of positive energy.Gifts For Her: The perfect gift for mothers, wives, and mothers\' grandmother\'s birthday, Mother\'s Day, or Good Friday, When they attend a friend\'s dinner party or a casual outing, or go to the beach and take a walk, a turquoise bracelet will be the perfect complement to any outfit!Turquoise Bracelets Packaging: The drawstring bracelets are packaged in a delicate and simple cloth bag, which ensures that the bracelets will not get scratched or broken and can be stored inside when you don\'t need to wear them. A polishing cloth is also included so you can use it in your daily care.

2024-04-04 17:53:05

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