해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Duttek 90 Degree Type C to Type C Cable 3.3FT/1M, 240W USB C Charging Cord, USB C 90 Degree Cable PD 3.1 Male to Male with E-Mark Smart Chips for Laptops, Tablets Charger Fast Charging

상품번호 B0C3753MDC
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상품가격 $8.57
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240W 90 Degree USB C Charging Cable: The most prominent feature is its 240W super fast charging capability, USB c to usb c fast charging cable reaching the maximum power supported by the device. It can charge almost any USB-C device, from smartphones and accessories to gaming laptops. (Actual charging speed depends on the device and wall charger used).Type C to Type C Cable: Compatible with all USB-C devices, such as Samsung S20/S21/S22, iPad Pro/Air/Mini, MacBook Pro, Switch, Steam Deck, SSD, power bank, charger, and other Type-C devices (Note: This is a USB 2.0 charging cable and does not support 4K/8K/USB 3.0 and above).240W USB C Cable equipped with an intelligent E-Mark 2.0 chip, it has intelligent automatic power adjustment to provide a faster, more stable, and safer transmission and charging environment for devices and adapters. The 3.1 version upgrades the maximum power under the USB PD protocol from 20V/5A to 48V/5A, with a maximum power of 240W, and is backward compatible with power of 140W/100W/60W, etc.USB C to USB C 90 Degree Cable: Plug and play, USB 2.0 rate transfer, can support 480Mbps data transfer speed, does not support USB 3.0, 3.1, 4.0 or Thunderbolt (Note: does not support video output.) Can meet your needs for file transfer in travel, work, home use.USB-C to USB-C Cable: The nylon braided material effectively prevents wear and breakage of the USB-C to USB-C cable. It has undergone 10,000+ bending and insertion tests, and the high-quality aluminum shell makes the cable more durable without affecting its use. We also provide a convenient storage sticker for easier carrying and organization.

2024-06-07 07:31:27

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