해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Grimm Offroad ARB CKMTA12 or CKMTA24 Twin Compressor Mounting Bracket Kit fits 2007-2018 Jeep Wrangler JK

상품번호 B0C37XYT17
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상품구분 Automotive / Replacement Parts
브랜드 Brand: Generic
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $79.95
상품가격 상세보기

Complete bracket kit for under hood mounting of ARB compressorMuch quieter than cabin-mounted air compressorsPrecision-cut, high-strength steel mounting bracketsIncludes two steel brackets, new compressor air line fitting, and hardware required for installationMounts one ARB Twin Compressor up high on the left side of the engine compartmentSome drilling is requiredLimited lifetime warrantyMade in the USA
The Grimm Off Road ARB Twin Compressor Mounting Bracket Kit firmly mounts your ARB Twin Air Compressor under the hood of your Jeep. The mounting bracket kit provides a robust attachment point specifically for the ARB Pump kit and Manifold Kit. This convenient location allows you to efficiently fill up air in your tires or to connect air lockers. You never know when you may need to air down or inflate your tires as you navigate the trails or just on your daily commute to work. It’s important not to use up too much space and to maximize the potential of the space that your Jeep Wrangler does have. The space under the hood can not be utilized for many other things, so this mounting bracket kit uses up space efficiently. The compressor will be up and out of the way and will be protected from harsh elements like mud and water. The bracket kit features a sleek black powder coat finish to reduce corrosion over time. Included in this kit are two brackets; one larger bracket for the compressor itself and to be mounted to the inner fender, and one smaller bracket to support the main bracket off of one of the brake master cylinder studs. Fitment Notes: This bracket kit is only compatible out of the box with ARB\'s Twin Air Compressor (ARB Part# CKMTA12). We cannot guarantee the fitment of other air compressor systems.

2024-02-13 15:19:25

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