해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
No-Touch Thermometer for Adults and Kids, Fast Accurate Digital Thermometer with Fever Alarm & Silent Mode, FSA HSA Eligible, Easy-to-use, Forehead Thermometer for Babies, Kids & Elderly

상품번호 B0C3B2VZLJ
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상품가격 $19.99
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FAST & RELIABLE RESULTS: Get results in 1 second with the Viproud Thermometer. Viproud No touch Thermometer has the advanced detector having passed multiple performance standards and testsEASY TO USE & PORTABLE: One-button control design, simply aim at the center of the forehead keeping a distance, its easy-to-read backlight display will show the temperature, clearly reading even in the dark. Its compact and ergonomically designed body weighs only 0.15 lb, making it comfortable and portableDUAL MODE & MULTIPLE USES: Viproud Thermometer is an all-in-one super practical thermometer - with forehead mode & object mode, capable of measuring forehead, room and food temperature; 35 sets of memory storage; one-touch mute; ℃/℉ switchable; fever warning and 30 seconds auto shut-off function, which is designed for all agesSAFE & SANITARY: Viproud No-touch Thermometer uses reliable medical-grade ABS housing materials, environmentally friendly and safety. The touchless thermometer can also avoid contact with the baby\'s skin causing a bacterial infection.WHAT YOU GET: 1x Viproud Thermometer, 1x Instruction Manual, 1x Quick User Guide, 2x AAA Batteries, 1x Carring Pouch. You will also get 12 months replacement from the date of purchase and 7*24h friendly customer service

2025-01-07 01:58:05

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