해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Lab DS-900 Infrared Sterilizer Autoclave Sterilizers Two Adjustable Heating Temperatures 400°C/825°C for Scalpel Needle Inoculating Loop Vaccination Ring,110V 150W

상품번호 B0C3C421P5
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상품가격 $149.00
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【DETAILS】Power:150W;Total length of heating zone:150mm;Max-diameter of sterilizer:Φ14mm;Warm up time:10min;Max. temperature inside the heating hole:825℃±50℃.【CONVENIENT & FAST】Two temperature levels can be selected from 400℃/825℃, heating up quickly. After preheating is complete, insert the tools that need to be sterilized in just 5-7 seconds for a quick and thorough sterilization.【HIGH QUALITY】Laboratory infrared sterilizer with stainless steel shell, strong and durable, easy to clean, resistant to wear and tear, high temperature resistance, anti-cracking, long service life.【WIDE APPLICATION】Infrared sterilizer can be used to heat and sterilize inoculation rings, needles, glass tubes, scissors, forceps, and various metal and glass products.【SAFE to USE】Infrared sterilizer does not consume oxygen when working, can be used in an anaerobic environment, completely replace the alcohol lamp, fast and efficient, no open flame, safer to use, reduce the potential fire hazard.

2025-01-07 07:38:17

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