해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
A218 900 73 06, Headlight Control Unit A 218 900 66 04 Heat Dissipation Multiple Protection Aluminium Alloy for Car

상품번호 B0C3K6BDFK
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상품가격 $81.39
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Replacement Part Number: A2189009904, A 218 900 99 04, 2189009904, A2129005424, A 212 900 54 24, 2129005424, A2129008222, A 212 900 82 22, 2129008222, A2129008324, etc.Fitment: Replacement for CLS W218 2014‑2018, replacement for GLE COUPE W292 from 19.4.2016, replacement for B‑Class W246 2016‑, etc.Full Protection: Module can adjust the voltage and current provided to the lamp, provide short circuit protection, open circuit protection, polarity protection, overload protection and load protection.Powerful Function: LED Headlight Control Module makes use of advanced technology, can speed up the current conduction speed, save power consumption, and start quickly.Reliable Materials: The LED headlight ballast is made from superior aluminium alloy which is heat dissipation, vibration and wear resistant, high temperature resistant, oxidation resistant.
Feature: 1. Replacement Part Number: A2189009904, A 218 900 99 04, 2189009904, A2129005424, A 212 900 54 24, 2129005424, A2129008222, A 212 900 82 22, 2129008222, A2129008324, etc. 2. Fitment: Replacement for CLS W218 2014‑2018, replacement for GLE COUPE W292 from 19.4.2016, replacement for B‑Class W246 2016‑, etc. 3. Full Protection: Module can adjust the voltage and current provided to the lamp, provide short circuit protection, open circuit protection, polarity protection, overload protection and load protection. 4. Powerful Function: LED Headlight Control Module makes use of advanced technology, can speed up the current conduction speed, save power consumption, and start quickly. 5. Reliable Materials: The LED headlight ballast is made from superior aluminium alloy which is heat dissipation, vibration and wear resistant, high temperature resistant, oxidation resistant. How to Use: Direct replacement, plug and play, no coding or programming required. Specification: Item Type: Headlight Control Unit Material: Aluminium Alloy Installation Position: Left or Right Side Headlight Replacement Part Number: A218 900 73 06, 2189007306 A2189006604, A 218 900 66 04, 2189006604 A2189009904, A 218 900 99 04, 2189009904 A2129005424, A 212 900 54 24, 2129005424 A2129008222, A 212 900 82 22, 2129008222 A2129008324, A 212 900 83 24, 2129008324 A2189000406, A 218 900 04 06, 2189000406 Fitment: Replacement for AMG GT W190 from 25.4.2016 Replacement for VITO V-class W447 W448 Replacement for CLS W218 2014-2018 Replacement for GLE COUPE W292 from 19.4.2016 Repl

2024-05-15 07:42:16

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