해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
4 Pcs Chrome Motorcycle Curved Swingarm Frame Insert Set Compatible with 1984-2007 Harley Heritage Softail Springer Fatboy FLST FXSTC

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상품가격 $19.98
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▶Feature: Four-piece insert set dresses up any Softail frame. Fits neatly into the recessed area of all frame sections. Custom new style will make your motorcycle more attractive.▶ Fitment: Fits for Harley 1984-2007 Softail (except 2000-2007 FLSTF / FXSTD ; 2005-2007 FLSTN). Please ensure this part fits for your bike before purchase.▶ Material: Made of High-Quality ABS Plastic. Durable in use, waterproof and not rusty, reliable quality and delicate craft.▶ Mount: 1 Set (4pcs) Swingarm Frame Insert (as the picture shown). Easy to install,Instructions not included.▶ Warranty: YDLMT store offer 24 hours customer service and 30 days warranty. If you meet any problem about installation and items, please feel free to contact us.
Features: Condition: 100% Brand New Color: Same like pictures show Material: High Quality ABS Plastic Four-piece insert set dresses up any Softail frame Held securely in place by special adhesive tape Fits neatly into the recessed area of all frame sections Fitment: For Harley 1984-2007 Softail (except 2000-2007 FLSTF / FXSTD ; 2005-2007 FLSTN) Please confirm that the fitment and description match your motorcycle before you purchase. Package Included: 1 Set (4pcs) Swingarm Frame Insert Easy to Install,Instructions not included.

2024-11-26 11:28:27

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