해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
400lbs Big and Tall Office Chair Wide Spring Seat Executive Office Chair for Heavy People Home Office Desk Chair with Heavy Duty Casters 360 Swivel Chair High Back Computer PU Leather Chair (BROWN)

상품번호 B0C3QWLG2V
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Furniture
브랜드 Brand: WILLMITA
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $269.99
상품가격 상세보기

?【Max 400lbs Weight Capacity】In order to improve the weight capacity,this executive office chair is made of thickened steel structure base which can increase 30% strength,therefore, even a person weight 400lbs, this big and tall office chair can be easily full supported.?【Super Wide Spring Seat】Great comfortable seating experience for large people,both backrest and seat size have been increased and enhanced processing. Seat width:24.02inches Seat depth:20.4inches,Back height:30inches.So the size of the home office desk chair can be completely satisfied. It\'s wide and big enough.?【Heavy Duty 360 swivel Casters】Another feature of this computer desk swivel chair is very smooth and strong casters under the chair base,it’s designed with steel structure,it can easily support someone weight 400lbs with no problem,meanwhile, the casters move very freely and rotate 360 without any resistance,and also it doesn’t damage the floor.?【High Grade PU Breathable PU Leather】The surface of this office desk chair is made of high grade PU Leather which is 30% thicker than other ordinary PU leather,it;s very firm and not easy to damage,After testing, with three years of hydrolysis resistance characteristics, it can provide longer using life.meanwhile, it adopts the breathable perforated design in the middle of both the back and seat,you will not be getting hot even sitting for a long time.?【Lumbar Support Adjustable Function】In addition to the adjustable seat height,A special feature of this PU Leather swivel chair is that the lumbar support can be adjusted up and down for giving you a comfortable support position,so that you can sit for long time without getting tired,this feature is much useful.?【Super Easy to Assemble】Don\'t worry about the installation, the box inside contains screws and tools, as well as a clear assemble manual, mostly, it only takes about 15 minutes to be finished.?【After-sales Support】We hope you would love this big and tall office chair, if you are not satisfied, don’t worry, we provide 60days free return or exchange service, and 12months parts replacement if need, meanwhile, any issue, pls tell us, we’ll reply and help you within 24hours.

2024-05-15 04:43:08

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