해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Migraine Relief Cap Headache Cap Migraine, Hangover Hat Cold Migraine Cap, Visible Eye Migraine Mask Design Gel Ice Cap 360° Fit, Best Healthy Gift for Migraine Relief for Your Family

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상품가격 $23.99
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【Visual dual leisure mode】This product is suitable for all face shapes, head shapes and eye contours. When you are unable to sleep due to a migraine, you can turn on the eye mask and watch your favorite entertainment program to relieve the migraine. You can also lie at home and watch your baby play alone next to you. Foldable eye mask, comfortable black fabric, allows you to enjoy a good sleep in a relaxing environment.【Reject Darkness and Clutter】The visible folding design not only replaces messy packaging, uncomfortable ice packs, inserts or awkward straps. By flipping the eye mask section, you can also easily handle unfinished household chores and important tasks, keeping it tidy and comfortable.【Professional Grade Material】Silky and comfortable high-grade nylon makes the product even better in terms of skin-friendliness. Combined with innovative stretchable gel, it covers 30% more area than traditional migraine relief caps and supports and compresses the face more effectively. Eyes and Head, Targets all pain-causing areas, providing immediate relief from tension and pressure pain in the eyes, skull, face.【Multifunctional Pain Relief Cap】Headache and migraine are the third most common diseases in the world. Our headache relief device molds to your head and delivers cold compression targeting areas of tension and pressure. This is a truly adaptable, multipurpose headache and migraine relief hat. Non-synthetic soothing agent, more concerned about your health. The perfect home companion, my GP also uses it.【Non-synthetic soothing agents are healthier】 Headaches and migraines are common diseases around the world. Multifunctional headache relief cap, non-synthetic soothing agent, more concerned about your health. Our headache relief cap molds to your head and delivers cold compression targeting areas of tension and pressure. This is a really adaptable, multipurpose headache and migraine relief cap, the perfect home companion, my GP also uses it.

2024-09-28 11:37:33

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