해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
12 Pcs Manual Pencil Sharpener for School Office Home Pencil Sharpeners for Kids with Lid Colored Compact Dual Holes Portable Handheld Plastic Pencil Sharpener for Adults Students Class Home Office

상품번호 B0C3R7CYRX
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상품구분 Office Products / Office & School Supplies
브랜드 Brand: yuntop
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $6.97
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【High Quality Materials】This small pencil sharpener for kids is made of high-quality plastic, beautiful and bright color, portable size, design makes it easy to hold. This small pencil sharpener for kids is perfect in workmanship, easy to operate and clean, good in quality and cheap in price, and can protect your wrist from abrasion【Customizable Sharpening】The blade of this handheld pencil sharpener for kids is sharp, durable and well designed, which can help you sharpen your pencil quickly without breaking the tip of your pencil. This handheld pencil sharpener for kids has two holes of different sizes, which is suitable for pencils of any size, and is very suitable for primary school students and art students【Safety and Convenience】This pencil sharpener for kids manual is equipped with a plastic hole cover and a transparent drawer, making it very convenient and safe for you to use! The plastic hole cover can prevent you from being cut by the pencil sharpener blade, while the transparent drawer can let you collect pencil shavings cleanly and neatly, and observe the number of shavings at any time for efficient cleaning【Packaging Includes】This pencil sharpener set includes three pink, blue, green and orange pencil sharpener, a total of 12 pencil sharpener. You can put a pencil sharpener in the study, children\'s room, classroom, office and other places, or you can give this pencil sharpener to your classmates or colleagues as a gift【Buy with Confidence】Yuntop is committed to providing customers with quality products and caring services. If you encounter problems such as product damage, please tell us by email in time instead of giving a bad comment immediately. If you are not satisfied with our products, we promise 100% refund. Customers\' satisfaction is our greatest pursuit

2024-11-27 17:20:56

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