해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Modern Leisure Velvet Dining Chairs Set of 2, Upholstered Velvet Chair with Gold Metal Legs, Mid-Century Accent Chair with Back, Light Grey

상품번호 B0C3VGMZ49
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상품가격 $235.99
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About the Production material: The cushion is made of high-quality velvet, which is comfortable, breathable and does not shed. The filling is a high-density sponge that is not easily deformed. It is not tired after sitting for a long time, and it will not collapse after many years of use. The chair legs are made of stainless steel. Weight capacity 300 LBS.Shape Design: The thick backrest and appropriate armrests give you the most comfortable sitting experience, and the saturated colors make the whole chair more advanced. Gold stainless steel trinkets on the backrest echo the gold legs, making the chair more coordinating. The combination of velvet and stainless steel, the collision of softness and rigidity, reflects the charm of life.About Size: The assembled height of this chair is 34.25 inches; the width is 23.3 inches; Our chairs are all made in our own factory, and the size is measured by hand, so there may be an error of 1-2 inches in size. Please understand.Multi-Scenario Use: This chair is exquisite and compact, it can be used as a dining chair, desk chair and makeup chair. Exquisite chairs provide you with an exquisite life, and a variety of colors provide you with more choicesPackaging Details: This dining chair comes in a box of two pieces, you will receive unassembled dining chair accessories, each accessory will be carefully packaged, please keep the package properly, and process the package after confirming that the product is ok, thank you for your support and cooperate.

2024-09-05 21:56:21

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