해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
CHINS LiFePO4 Battery 12V 280AH Lithium Battery, Built-in 200A BMS, 6000+ Cycles, Includes Low Temperature Cut-off Function, Perfect for RV, Off-Grid, Solar Power System, Home Backup, UPS, Marine

상품번호 B0C47FJZFZ
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상품가격 399.00
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【Lithium Iron Battery】: The lifespan of LiFePO4 (lithium) batteries is 8 to 10 times longer than that of regular lead-acid batteries (6000~9000 cycles vs 300-500 cycles). The usable capacity also doubles compared to that of a lead-acid battery while the weight is 30% less thanks to its significantly higher energy density.Without any memory effect, the lithium battery can hold a charge better while not in use and will not lose capacity due to the previous discharge state.【Built-In BMS & Convenience & Maintenance Free】: The built-in BMS (Battery Management System) protects the battery from overcharge, over-discharge, over-current, and short circuits with excellent self-discharge rate. Built-in high temp cut-off prevents charging over 122 °F (50 °C). Plus, Li-Ion batteries can be safer than lead Acid batteries, which have no protection against ground faults. This product is your ideal choice for both outdoor and indoor applications.【Capacity Expansion】: Our lithium batteries can be connected in parallel and in series for larger capacity and voltage. Max connection in series: Up to four identical batteries for up to 48V.Max connection in parallel: Up to four identical batteries up to 1120AH.Batteries can also be connected in parallel and series at the same time for up to 48V 1120AH. Only batteries with the exact same voltage and capacity purchased within a six-month window can be used in parallel or series.【Low-temperature Cut-off Function】: The built-in BMS of the Lifepo4 battery has added a low-temperature cut-off function to avoid irreversible damage to it caused by low-temperature (32 ℉/0 ℃) charging. The peak current of BMS can reach 600-800A and the duration is 3~5 seconds, making it suitable for most marine.【Wide Application】: Our lithium batteries can be used in the following areas: Home energy storage systems, UPS backup, lighting, digital/CCTV cameras, portable TV, e-Robot, electric vehicles, DIY speakers, 12V routers, air pumps, fish finder, golf cart, trolling motor, motorhome/RV & camper, Houseboat, Travel Trailer, Dump Trailer and more.

2024-11-27 02:27:55

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