해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
VEVOR Conical Burr Grinder, Electric Adjustable Burr Mill with 51 Precise Grind Setting, 9.7-Ounce 13 Cups Coffee Bean Grinder, Perfect for Drip, Mocha, Hand Brew, French Press, Espresso, Silver

상품번호 B0C49R8FHR
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상품가격 $59.99
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51 Grind Presets: With 51 grinding levels and customized buttons to precisely adjust the coarseness and fineness of coffee powder.From the finest Espresso to the coarsest French Press Grind.Digital Timer and Cup Quantification:Two types of grinding,you could set grind time from 1 to 56 seconds,or select cups from 1to14.The LCD screen shows grinding time or number of grinding cups.The large bean hopper can hold up to 275g (9.7oz) coffee beans.40mm Conical Burrs:With high hardness conical blades, 1.25g/s fast powder output, and 450RMP low-temperature slow grinding, designed to minimize grinding heat and protect the essential oils in the coffee bean, creating uniform grounds for optimal flavor extraction.Anti-static Device: Built-in negative ion static removal device to avoid coffee powder from clumping and flying around, easily keep your desktop and powderbin neat and tidy, and enjoy a better coffee grinding experience.Effortless to Clean: This conical burr grinder comes with a cleaning brush, combined with detachable conical burrs, which can quickly and easily sweep away the coffee bean dirts.

2024-10-02 18:10:15

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