해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Toddler Tower, Kitchen Stool Helper for Toddlers, Learning Wooden Tower with Chalkboard and Backrest, 3 in 1 Kitchen Standing Tower, Foldable Weaning Table with Safety Rail, Step Stool Montessori

상품번호 B0C49VQL7X
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상품가격 $99.99
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[Compliance Standards] We have children’s product certificate certification (CPC), designed and tested to exceed child safety standards, every detail of the toddler kitchen stool is qualified from the wooden frame to the hardware.[Kids Step Stool] Foldable toddler tower not only can be used as a kitchen stool helper but it can also be folded to a kid table with a backrest. Even as your kids grow up until they\'re 6 years old, a toddler stool or kids tower can also use the blackboard to draw and bring more fun for the kids![High-Quality Solid Wood] Toddler table and tower combination is made of high-quality wood and is designed to fit securely on your kitchen counter. The Montessori kitchen step stool is a sturdy and safe platform that is perfect for adding a baby tower anywhere around the nursery, kitchen, playroom, or bathroom. Additionally, the edges are rounded and polished to prevent injuries.[Family Cooking Fun] The toddler step stool is the perfect size at 34 inches tall and comes with safety armrests to elevate your baby to counter height. Kitchen standing towers are great for encouraging independent play and exploration in the kitchen or other areas of your home. Exercise your baby\'s independence and self-confidence.[Multifunctional Toddler Step Stool] This versatile folding children\'s table doubles as a kitchen stool helper and quickly converts into a baby table and chair without any tools. When your child no longer needs it, you can assemble the DGD step stool. Remove the armrests and it can also be used as an adult step stool or shelf to place potted plants or decorations.[DGD High Quality After Sales] We provide 24 months warranty if you have any problem with our kids step stool. Our customer service team stand 24 hours with you, you can contact us by clicking "ask a question" on your order page or reply our email, our customer service team will make you 100% satisfied with us.

2024-09-06 09:47:49

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