해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
HICC PULE Elevated Pet Bowls for Cats & Small Dogs, Natural Bamboo with Ceramic Raised Small Dog Bowls, Cat Food Dish Bowls Elevated and 15° Tilted, Whisker Friendly, Dishwasher Safe

상품번호 B0C4DZJ6XM
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상품구분 Pet Supplies / Cats
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상품가격 $19.99
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【Elevated Cat Bowls】Size: 6.3*6.7*15.4 inches. Say goodbye to bending down! 4 adjustable heights (1.4 inches/2.2 inches/3.0 inches/3.8 inches) by remove the wooden block, accompany cats from puppy to full grown. The raised cat bowl can makes it easier and comfortable for cats to access their food and water.【Health 15°TILTED Design】The 15°elevated cat food bowl have been shown to be effective in relieving pressure on the cat\'s neck and stomach during eating, preventing vomiting and being suitable for digestion. It is especially suitable for cats with poor stomachs.【Say Goodbye to Black Chin 】Ceramic cat bowls with natural bamboo stand are safer than plastic and stainless steel cat bowls, no need to worry about toxic plastics and heavy metal ions that are harmful to cats. Long-term use of ceramic bowls can also prevent black chin in cats.【Cat Food and Water Bowl set】The package contains 2 ceramic bowls, 1 natural bamboo stand. With simple assembly, you\'ll have a cat bowl or a raised dog bowl for small dogs that will match perfectly with any decor.【After-sales Service】Our professional customer service team will provide you with a pleasant shopping experience. If you encounter any problems, you can contact us at any time and we will solve the problem for you until you are satisfied.

2024-09-05 01:09:41

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