해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
VEVOR Aquarium Chiller, 92 Gal 348 L, 1/4 HP Hydroponic Water Chiller, Quiet Refrigeration Compressor for Seawater and Fresh Water, Fish Tank Cooling System with Pump/Hose, for Jellyfish, Coral Reef

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상품가격 $341.99
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Stable Water Temperature: An aquarium chiller is like an air conditioner for fish tanks. It\'s an important piece of equipment for fish keepers, and our 92 Gal / 348 L cooler is essential for regulating water temperature. It can keep the temperature between 65℉-80℉, creating a healthy environment for your fish, especially during the hot summer months.0.25 HP Energy-saving Compressor: Our aquarium tank chiller uses a high-efficiency, Freon-free compressor, and R134a refrigerant. This means that the circulation and cooling water remain free from pollution. To ensure proper cooling of the chiller, we also provide a 396-925 gallons per hour water pump that delivers effective and stable water circulation.Rapid Heat Dissipation: The aquarium water chiller has a built-in fan and cooling holes on the front and rear sides for powerful ventilation. This disperses the heat from the compressor, allowing it to work efficiently all day long. Just make sure to leave at least 24 inches of space around the chiller for proper air circulation and effective cooling.Keep Aquatic Life Alive: Features a corrosion-resistant titanium evaporator, making it safe for use in both fresh and brackish aquatic environments. Our water chiller for fish tank is perfect for keeping any aquatic life, such as axolotls, fish, crystal shrimp, corals, and jellyfish, at the ideal temperature.Bedroom-level Quiet: The fish tank chiller operates with low noise, making it perfect for fish keepers and hydroponics enthusiasts who don\'t want to be disturbed during their daily work or rest. It\'s versatile too and can be used in fish tanks or aquaponic systems in a variety of settings such as homes, hotels, and aquariums.

2024-02-13 19:13:41

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