해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Dynastus Pneumatic Upholstery Staple Gun, 22 Gauge 3/8" Wide Crown Air Stapler Kit, by 1/4-Inch to 5/8-Inch, with staples

상품번호 B0C4H5D2X6
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상품가격 $27.97
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Drives 22 Gauge or 71 series staples with 3/8-Inch crown from 1/4-Inch to 5/8-Inch length.Only 1.9 lbs, compact, lightweight and well-balanced for ease of useHigh capacity magazine holds 180 staples and offers incredibly easy drop-in loading for fast on-the-job refillsThe Fine Wire Staple Gun drives 22 Gauge staples with 3/8” crown from 1/4-Inch to 5/8-Inch length, accepts 71 Series or Senco C Style StaplesGreat for furniture, upholstering, picture Frames, shoes-marking, automobile interiors, light duty wood assembly, & much more.
Description: The Dynasty air stapler is the ideal for furniture, upholstering, picture Frames, shoes-marking, automobile interiors, light duty wood assembly, & much more. The staple gun adopts unique integral structure, the magazine is integral to the gun body, with steel top cap, this staple gun looks like a hammer, strong and reliable. This stapler weighs only 1.9-pounds, compact structure, well balance and handling are just right for precision performance and easy to control . It drives 22 Gauge staples with 3/8-Inch crown from 1/4-Inch to 5/8-Inch length. Operates on compressed air between 60 to 100 PSI. This staple gun\'s high capacity magazine holds 180 staples and offers incredibly easy drop-in loading for fast on-the-job refills, allowing jams to be easily cleared when magazine is open.

2024-06-10 10:17:10

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