해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
DweIke Modern Beige Area Rugs for Bedroom Living Room, 4x6 ft Thickened Memory-Foam Indoor Carpets, Minimalist Style Carpet Suitable for Boys Girls and Adults with Super Soft Touch, Washable

상품번호 B0C4Y7TNKR
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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Home Décor Products
브랜드 Brand: DweIke
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $26.99
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【New Material Design】DweIke minimalist modern indoor carpet is made of soft wool coral fleece, upgraded rug has the advantages of of being skin friendly, No-shedding, and super soft to the touch【No-shedding Top】The surface of the rug is designed with a short wool coral fleece, which is firmly embedded in the sponge layer. You can lie on it with any clothes on, and there will no fluff sticking to your clothes【Thickened & Non-Slip】There is a thick and fast rebound memory sponge interlayer in the middle. Anti-slip latex particles are attached on the back, so it is very suitable for use on the floor, marble, tile and so on【Modern Home Decor】Our solid color coral velvet rug fits the modern minimalist decoration style helping you create a simple atmospheric home environment. This carpet is suitable for bedroom, living room, dining room and study room【Warm Tips for Rugs】In order to prevent dust and transportation, the rug is compressed in a vacuum sealed bag. If you feel flat and wrinkled when out of the bag, please wash and dry in washer/drier. Or use robot vacuum over it for awhile, it will quickly become fluffy and de-wrinkle. Then you will get a beautiful rug
DweIke modern area rug - Premium soft wool coral fleece 1. Coral fleece material is very soft, non-irritating, especially suitable for people with sensitive skin 2. The strong adhesion between the surface fluff and the sponge intermediate layer makes it not shed 3. Quick-rebound memory sponge show the thickness of the carpet 4. Short fleece makes carpets easy to care for. Using a vacuum cleaner can easily remove debris and dust from the surface Non-slip botton rug: 1.The bottom of the rectangular rug is covered with many high-density non-slip points 2.Non-slip points help increase friction with the floor and prevent sliding 3.It is very suitable for use on the floor, marble, tile and so on  Size selection suggestions: 2 x 6 ft area rug is suitable for bedside 3 x 5 ft area rug is suitable for your bedside, nursery or children\'s room 4 x 6 ft area rug is suitable for your playroom, or beside sofa and chair 5 x 8 and 6 x 9 ft area rug is suitable for your living room, bedroom or large dining room  Warm ips for the rug: 1. Considering of the transport and dust protection requirements of the rug, we use vacuum packing 2. The rug pack with a vacuum bag, the thickness will recover within two days, please don\'t worry 3. If you find some smell of the product when receiving it, it\'s a normal phenomenon caused by warehouse storage, just please expose it to the air for some time 4. Please wash the carpets according to the instructions of the washing 5. Due to the different lighting effects of the monitor and camera, the image may be slightly different from the actual color of the product 6. Please contact me at anytime if you have any question.

2024-09-05 11:32:12

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