해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Itaar 40" Lift Top Coffee Table, 4 in 1 Coffee Tables with Storage for Living Room, Small Farmhouse Coffee Table with 2 Drawers & LED Light for Dining Reception Room, Rustic Brown

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상품가격 $169.99
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【What you get?】The lift top coffee table with 4 lifting methods also has partitioned hidden storage compartment, an open storage shelf, 2 drawers and LED light. A small coffee table for living room can be used when eating, working, studying and playing games, quietly and easily lift the table top to facilitate small room to make full use of the space.(Caution: Lower table top must be raised first to avoid damage. )【4-in-1 Lift Design】Unique lift top coffee table design to meet more needs--when fully unfolded, it becomes a dining or gaming coffee table for 8 people; when half expanded, it becomes a workstation for 2 people to use at the same time without disturbing each other; when lifting top is closed, farmhouse coffee table is suitable for storing sundries.【Quality Upgrade】High-quality metal gas support mechanism, better than the traditional compression spring to make the table easy to lift, no noise. Coffee table with storage can be stably supported under greater pressure--hold up to 166lbs. And you can determine the lifting direction of the coffee table based on your own preferences and spatial layout.【How to Use】The hidden storage compartment of coffee table is divided into 3 compartments, which can be divided into blankets, snacks and electronic products, so that the storage of sundries are more organized; the lower open storage shlef and 2 drawers can be placed laptop, chess, remote controllers or knick-knack. Coffee table comes with an RGB LED light strip, remote control via APP, multiple colors and 29 flashing modes for you to choose from. Grab a glass of wine and relax in a romantic atmosphere.【Easy Assemble & After-sales Service】To make assembling this sturdy lift top coffee table as effortless as possible, we have included clear and detailed instructions, numbered parts. If your item arrives damaged, scratched or missing part, please feel free to contact us, we will send you free replacement or offer a partial refund.

2024-09-05 14:50:32

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