해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
NoCry Heavy Duty Mens Work Gloves with Grip and Padded Knuckles — Reinforced Touchscreen Tips and Snug Fit — Perfect Mechanics Gloves, Construction Gloves for Men or Work Gloves Men

상품번호 B0C4Z4978Q
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상품가격 $9.99
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IMPORTANT SIZING INFORMATION – Due to a mislabeling, the size displayed on the glove\'s label will be one size larger than the actual fit of the glove (e.g., a size M glove will carry a label indicating size L).SUPREME COMFORT — Made with four-way spandex fabric for unmatched flexibility, these lightweight mens tactical gloves take your comfort to the next level. Plus, with breathable palms and moisture-wicking fabric, they\'ll keep your hands dry no matter what.BUILT TO LAST — Made with wear-resistant materials and reinforced with heavy-duty nylon thread, these combat gloves men trust are designed for durability. With reinforced palms and fingertips, they ensure a secure grip during your toughest projects.SECURE FIT – With an adjustable hook and loop closure, these gloves offer a secure, snug fit that won’t slip. The easy-to-adjust hook and loop cuffs make them easy to put on and take off, while the lightly padded knuckles offer protection without sacrificing your dexterity.TOUCHSCREEN AND EFFORTLESS CARE — Text, tap, and swipe without the hassle of constantly having to take off your tactical gloves military. Done for the day? Simply toss these work gloves small in the washing machine to keep them fresh and ready for action with no effort.TRUSTED BY OVER 5 MILLION — Built to outlast your wildest workdays, and backed by a lifetime warranty, these mechanic gloves for men will be your ultimate partner for the long haul. We\'re all about providing you with products that stand the test of time.

2024-06-07 15:28:31

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