해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
EKSA Wireless Gaming Headset for PS4 PS5 PC, 7.1 Surround Sound Headset with Mic ENC & RGB Light, 36 Hour Battery, 2.4G USB Gaming Headphones for Computer, Laptop, 3.5mm Jack

상품번호 B0C53PVM61
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상품가격 $59.99
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2.4GHz Ultra-Low Latency: Better than bluetooth, the E1000WT wireless gaming headset with USB dongle, acheive stable and lossless sound quality transmission with 2.4 GHz lossless wireless technology (<35 ms delay), which eusures an immersive lag-free wireless gaming experience and gives you a competitive edge in fast-paced games.Plug and Play 7.1 Surround Sound: With its 7.1 SoundBase plug-and-play feature, the gaming headset with upgraded 50mm drivers produce stronger sound waves for better bass and sub-bass, provides an incomparable audio experience with punchy and immersive sound. Gamers can listen to footsteps and gunshots with accurate positioning and clarity, practically immersing themselves in their own world and enjoying a real battlefield in first-person shooting games. (Just plug in the USB dongle, no need to install driver.)36-Hour Long Battery Life: Thanks to the large capacity 1500mAh rechargeable battery, the EKSA E1000WT gaming headphones can fully charge in just 2.5 hours and last up to 36 hours of continuous wireless use(Lights off). Additionally, 3.5mm audio cable is provided for wired mode, no worry about runing out of power.Multi-Platform Compatible: Comes with a USB-A dongle for PS4, PS5, PC, laptop connection and a 3.5 mm audio cable for PS4,PS5,switch, Xbox One S/X and mobile devices.Noise Cancelling Microphone: Built in AI noise cancelling chip, the pc headset isolates voice from the noise and accurately eliminates up to 96% of distracting background sound, delivers natural and clear sound in-game chats to your teammates, helping your team made that game easily.Stress-Free Wear: Premium soft memory protein sponge earpads are paired with oval-shaped earmuffs that truly conform to your ears, the adjustable headband is designed to distribute weight evenly and reduce pressure, providing a perfect fit for different head shapes. ensuring extreme comfort even when worn for extended periods of time.Dazzlight RGB: Elevate your gaming experience with vibrant RGB lighting that immerses you in a stunning visual atmosphere. The colorful RGB lighting sets the perfect mood for any game, enhancing your focus and intensity. With the one-key switch, you can easily control to turn on/off . Get ready to dominate your opponents in style with the Dazzlight RGB gaming headset!Easy Control: Control at your fingertips, stay in the game. Easily adjust the headphone volume, quickly mute the mic, and switch sound effects with the push of a button. The built-in controls allow you to adjust the volume settings without navigating in-game settings, stay ahead of the competition.EKSA gaming headsets are thoroughly inspected on each production line. We offer a 2-year warranty to ensure your satisfaction. Our 24-hour customer support team is dedicated to resolving issues and answering your questions promptly. We will make every effort to take responsibility for your shopping experience.

2024-07-10 16:22:07

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