해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Arm Exercise Equipment Chest Workout - Hydraulic Power Twister 10 Gears Adjustable 22-440lbs,Chest Exerciser for Men,Arm Workout Equipment,Thick Steel Wear-Resistant, Non-Slip Handle PU Rubber

상품번호 B0C54W119J
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상품구분 Sports & Outdoors / Exercise & Fitness
브랜드 Brand: Xwzhjy
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인
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상품가격 $29.99
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aluminum alloyImportedVarious Resistances Can be Adjusted:Our upgraded arm exercise equipment can choose the different resistance intensity that suits you by turning the knob to the left or right, 10-speed adjustable resistance 22-440lbsHydraulics are Safer Exercise:our hydraulic power Chest exercisers just rebound slightly,The bottom of the torsion arm is made of ergonomic PU handle, The unique golden ratio triangular structure is matched Make the whole arm blaster for biceps more stablAlloy Material is Strong:The hydraulic workout equipment is made of Upgrade thickened carbon steel,and is not easy to deform and break.Double layer steel tube design,Slight impact and extrusion will not have any effect. It will not deform during long-term trainingEasy to Use:The chest workout equipment can be used after opening,No additional action is required on your part,This chest workout equipment’s multiple resistance adjustments are also suitable for womenEasy to Carry:Our chest expander is only 17 inches in size and comes with colorful carton packaging,The bottom buckle of hydraulic power twister workout equipment can be closed,Also available as gifts for workout enthusiasts, this gives a good choice

2024-05-14 23:50:37

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