해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Topteng Air Filter Element 17210-MKT-D00 for Honda X-ADV 750 2021-2023, NC750X 2021-2023, NC750X DCT 2021-2023, NC750XA 2021-2023, NC750XD 2021-2023, NSS750 FORZA 750 2021-2022

상품번호 B0C5CLFWJ9
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상품가격 $32.99
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★This product is suitable for Honda X-ADV 750 2021-2023, NC750X 2021-2023, NC750X DCT 2021-2023, NC750XA 2021-2023, NC750XD 2021-2023, NSS750 FORZA 750 2021-2022.★Please confirm the exact model and exact year of your motorcycle before ordering.★Our air filters are the direct replacement for the original air filter and fit exactly into the air filter box. Easy High Performance Add-on.★Optimized filter surface area provides more airflow, more power and more filtration.★Increased air permeability and filtration efficiency when compared to cotton air filters.
Air Cleaner Filter Element Replacement Part Number: 17210-MKT-D00 Fits Make/Model/Year: Fit for Honda X-ADV 750 2021-2023 Fit for Honda NC750X 2021-2023 Fit for Honda NC750X DCT 2021-2023 Fit for Honda NC750XA 2021-2023 Fit for Honda NC750XD 2021-2023 Fit for Honda NSS750 FORZA 750 2021-2022 ★Package includes: 1x Air Filter Element Features: OEM style aftermarket air filter. Washable and Reusable. Optimized filter surface area provides more airflow, more power and more filtration. Increased air permeability and filtration efficiency when compared to cotton air filters. No need to change carburetor jets or settings. Our air filters are the direct replacement for the original air filter and fit exactly into the air filter box. Easy High Performance Add-on. Dry filter, no oil treatments required. The images are of the actual item you will receive. Specifications: Condition: Aftermarket 100% Brand New Top Plate Material: Durable injection molded plastic Filter Material: Paper Color: Same As Picture Show Type: Air Filter Element ★Fitment Type: Direct Replacement

2024-07-12 00:22:10

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