해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
WOA WOA 6 Step Ladder, Lightweight Folding ladders with Wide Pedals, Slim Stepladder for Narrow Spaces, Tall Ladder for High Ceilings with Handrails, Kitchen Aluminum Ladder 300lbs - White

상품번호 B0C5J71BTS
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상품가격 $168.00
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Lightweight sturdy folding ladder: Net Weight: 18 lbs; This light ladder can be lifted or moved with one hand when folded flat; The frame of the ladder is made of thick Aircraft-Grade aluminum alloy; Max load 300lbs; A triangular stable support structure ensures safetyEasy to use: Comes fully assembled; Can be easily opened and folded in secs; The handgrip at the top help keeps balance when climbing; Embedded beams enhance the stability of the ladder, and you can finish your task confidently and comfortably on the ladderAnti-slip pedals and feet: Widen 7.87\'\' pedal with non-slip lines; Every step is reliable; The foot pads are of thick rubber material with a wave texture and multi-directional anti-skid; Ensure stability and protect the floorDimension of foldable 6-step ladders: Folded: 77.2\'\'x 18.7\'\'x 2.1\'\'; Fold thin only 2.1\'\' for easy storage; Open: 45.9\'\'x18.7\'\'x71.2\'\'; The top step height is 54.5\'\'; It can help you reach the ceilingMulti-use ladder: With its beautiful color and finish, the ladder decorates your home when not used for climbing; It can be used as a shelf in the bathroom or used as a flower stand on the balcony without worrying about rust

2024-11-01 06:12:16

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