해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Blahoo Baby Stroller for Toddler,Bassinet Stroller,Foldable Aluminum Alloy Pushchair with Adjustable Backrest,Adjustable Direction Gold Black.

상품번호 B0C5LM4KC6
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상품가격 139.00
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Lycra,Oxford Fabric❤All Terrain Newborn Carriage❤The front wheel spring and the built-in double damping system of the rear wheel protect the baby\'s stability and comfort.Pu rubber wheels are not only durable, but also have good grip, suitable for all kinds of roads, such as gravel roads, suburban roads, roads with shock absorption belts or other bumpy roads.❤Washable&Comfortable Fabric❤With good shading and ventilation Lycra fabric,the canopy is a great way to protect your baby from ultraviolet radiation.It can be adjusted according to different weather conditions to provide the best rest environment for the baby.The sleeping basket is the durable Oxford fabric.❤Reversible Adjustable ❤ High landscape convertible baby carriage, which can meet different needs. Your baby can enjoy the scenery outside without being polluted by car exhaust. The convertible baby carriage can let the baby face the parents, increase the interaction, let the parents take care of the baby at any time.❤Multiple Function❤ Light weight stroller of 20lbs,the frame is made of aluminum alloy.The handle of the baby stroller can be adjusted according to the height of the mother, and the comfortable angle can be implemented. The sleeping basket can be adjusted to different positions,it can be sleeping angle,half-lying position,siting position or other angle as your need.❤Safety Design As Mom’s Love❤Pay attention to every little detail to ensure the safety of the baby.The five point safety belt protects the baby\'s safety. The armrest is a hand sewn leather armrest, which is easy to clean and has a delicate appearance.

2024-04-04 19:00:22

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