해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Beelink SER6 MAX Mini PC, Ryzen 7 7735HS (8C/16T, up to 4.75GHz) Mini Computer, AMD Radeon 680M, 32GB DDR5+1TB Micro Desktop, Small Gaming PC Quad Displays HDMI+DP+Dual USB4, 2.5Gbps, WiFi 6+BT5.2

상품번호 B0C61WPCVT
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상품가격 499.00
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AMD Ryzen 7 7735HS Processor: Beelink mini gaming PC comes with Ryzen 7 7735HS based on Zen 3 architecture, a high-performance processor engraved in 6nm and embedded 8 cores 16 threads on frequency ranging from 3.2GHz to 4.75GHz. Most notably, this ser6 max mini pc is adapted with Beelink\'s MSP technology, that its TDP could be adjusted from default 54W balance mode to 65W perfomance mode, greatly unleashing potential and offering you ultimate processing power.Expandable Memory and Storage: This mini desktop PC includes two 16GB DDR5 for a total of 32GB RAM and 1TB SSD storage with read speed up to 3500MB/S. You are allowed to have internal expansion, as this Beelink mini pc has two SODIMM DDR5 4800MHz slots for memory up to 64GB and dual M.2 2280 slots for PCIe4.0 NVMe SSD up to 4TB. Kindly note, the storage drives slot (not included the expansion board) on the bottom of the machine is replaceable with 2.5\'\' 7mm SATA slot.Support 4K Quad Display Output: This small PC is built-in an integrated AMD Radeon 680M graphics based on RDNA2 architecture with 12 core counts and 220MHz frequency, which is capable of running mainstream games. Furthermore, this micro PC has four 4K video output ports including a HDMI2.1, a Displayport 1.4 and dual full functional USB4. You are able to connect up to four screens simultaneously, which helps to expand multiple area of work for more efficient productivity.Improved Heat Dissipation: The heat dissipation system of this small form factor PC is upgraded with MSC technology. The newly added vapor chamber and cooling fan are used for quickly distributing the heat and protecting CPU form overheating and throttling, while the system fan and heat sink help to dissipate the heat through airflow, effectively reducing the temperature of the DDR and SSD. You should know that the cooling fans are not completely quiet, but not harsh.Wireless Network Connectivity: This ryzen mini PC is packed with 2.4 Gbps WiFi 6 (802.11ax), which is nearly 3 times faster than that of WiFi 5. Also, this mini PC gaming has a RJ45 Ethernet port with transmission up to 2500Mbps, which is 2.5 times the speed of a gigabit network and enables you to get faster speed for large files transmission. The Bluetooth 5.2 wireless adapter greatly helps to connect your Bluetooth devices and keep your desktop tidy.

2024-10-02 06:57:57

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