해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Easly 36" x 46" Chair Mat for Carpet - Office Chair Mat - Tempered Glass Floor Mat for Home/Office/Carpet Clear Computer Floor Mat - with 4 Anti-Slip Pads

상품번호 B0C61X89NH
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상품가격 $89.99
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Durable Material - Upgrade your office or home with our premium Durable Carpet Protection Mat. Crafted from 100% pure tempered glass, this mat offers unbeatable durability and transparency. With its superior construction, it is designed to withstand regular use without cracking, curling, breaking, scratching, or discoloring.Protection - Not only does our mat excel on carpets, but it also works perfectly on hardwood floors. Our chair mat for hardwood floor ensures that your floors remain pristine and scratch-free, even with constant chair movement. Protect your carpets from the wear and tear caused by office chair wheels with our chair mat for carpet. Say goodbye to indentations and damage caused by chair wheels on your beautiful carpets.Effortless Rolling - Enhance your office experience with our premium computer chair mat. It is thoughtfully designed to provide effortless rolling and reliable anti-skid performance. Equipped with 4 anti-slip pads, it prevents the mat from moving with your chair while allowing smooth chair movement, which ensures safety when walking on the mat, bringing you peace of mind . Weigh 27 lb. It can withstand up to 1200 pounds of pressure, making it suitable for use in commercial or home offices.Gray Chair Mat - These premium gray floor chair cushions seamlessly blend with any decor, enhancing the natural beauty of hardwood floors. The smooth surface is easy to clean, even for food residue and crayon marks. They can be used in offices, dining tables, children\'s doodling areas, and other settings, helping to maintain a clean and smooth floor surface.Reliable Service - If any quality issues are found, we will provide you with full refund or free replacements for glass mat. Our product is highly durable, in the event of accidental shattering caused by external force, we strongly advise discontinuing its use immediately to prevent any potential injuries. Your safety is our utmost priority.

2024-05-16 15:39:10

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