해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
GW Security 4K 8MP Outdoor/Indoor 2.8-12mm Varifocal Zoom Lens PoE IP Microphone Grey Turret Security Camera (GW7078MIC)

상품번호 B0C63R2RH6
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상품가격 $119.00
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8-Megapixel with 3840x2160 Ultra High Resolution 4K VideoBuilt in 2.8~12mm Manual Zoom Varifocal Megapixel HD lens with IR-CUT which allow you to adjust the angle of View8MP 2160p @ 15 FPS; 6MP 2048p @ 25FPS; 4MP 1520p @ 30 FPSProgram Motion Detection & Email Alerts, Power over Ethernet, Remote Mobile or PC view. Support Universal Agreement and P2P network platform.Outdoor/Indoor security and surveillance waterproof & vandal proof camera with 18 IR LED, up to 100FT IR Distance
This GW Security IP camera employs advanced high resolution 4K 2160P in combination to the latest 8.0 Megapixel Starvis Starlight image sensor which provides the best quality image day and night, resolution up to 3840 x 2160. This camera can record real-time 1520p and 1080p resolution at 30 frames per second, so that recorded video plays back smoothly and clearly. Alternately, even higher definition 8MP provides more viewing pixels recorded at near-real-time of 15 frames per second, for amazing detail and superior recognition of faces or license plates. Built in 2.8~12mm Manual Zoom Varifocal Megapixel HD lens with IR-CUT which allow you to adjust the angle of View. 18Pcs Infrared LEDs illumination for recording video at night up to 100Ft. This POE camera is completely Power over Ethernet so setup is clean and simple with just a single cable. Designed for easy installation, the dome camera has a waterproof and vandal proof housing, fits in most indoor and outdoor installations. It is ideal for home or business use.

2024-04-04 19:36:28

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