해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Magnetic/Water Rowing Machines for Home, Compact and Saves Space - Vertical/Folding Storage, 350 LB Weight Capacity with Bluetooth App Supported, Tablet Holder and Comfortable Seat Cushion

상품번호 B0C692MVF2
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상품구분 Sports & Outdoors / Exercise & Fitness
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상품가격 $269.99
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Full-Body Muscle Workout: According to scientific reports, rowing machines can exercise approximately 90% of your muscle groups, allowing you to effectively train every muscle in your body. With an LCD Intelligent Display, you can keep track of distance, time, calories, average BPM, and more in real-time. Monitor your progress and stay motivated to achieve your goals.Bluetooth Connectivity with App: Our Bluetooth-connected app provides access to professional rowing training courses, ranging from HIIT workouts to fat-burning programs. Discover new challenges and push yourself to new limits with our premium workout experience.Professional Rowing Machine: Our rowing machine is equipped with a 12-lb flywheel component that provides a peak resistance of 66 pounds, which is double the resistance of regular rowing machines, catering to your explosive and strength training needs. With 16 levels of resistance options, both beginners and professionals can achieve effective workouts.Quiet and Smooth: The UTRYUP rowing machine is equipped with an advanced flywheel magnetic resistance system. With noise levels below 30 decibels, you can enjoy rowing quietly without disturbing your family or neighbors. The smooth resistance ensures a comfortable experience with every pull.Easy to use and Store: The UTRYUP rowing machine comes 90% pre-assembled, allowing for easy installation in just 20 minutes. It is equipped with front base transport wheels and a vertical storage design, making it effortless to move, store, and use even in small spaces.High-Quality Rail: With premium silent pulley components and an impressive weight capacity of 350 LBS, you can trust our high-quality aluminum alloy rail to deliver smooth and noise-free workouts every time.Outstanding Service: UTRYUP provides a one-year manufacturer\'s warranty on all products, ensuring your satisfaction. We also have a dedicated customer service team ready to assist you. If you have any questions or concerns, please don\'t hesitate to reach out to us. We are committed to providing the best user experience for our customers.

2024-05-15 17:16:36

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