해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Reflective Paracord Rope 1000Ib - 100ft 200ft 500ft 1000ft 4mm 12 Strand para Cords Lanyard Utility Parachute Cord for Tent Camping Hiking Fishing Survival Tactical Clothesline DIY Projects

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550 LBS UPGRADE TO 1000 LBS: Featuring an abrasion-resistant 32-wire sheath and a 12-strand inner core. Our parachute rope is rigorously tested and rated with a minimum breaking force of 1000 pounds, providing an additional 250 pounds of resistance compared to the standard 750-pound parachute rope. Thickness of 4 mm. Explore our HOKINETY reflective parachute kit nowNOVELTY REFLECTIVE STRIPS FOR NIGHT SAFETY - Under the illumination of flashlights, car lights, lanterns and even moonlight, the strips exhibits a reflective effect ensuring high visibility. Wrapping the camping rope around the tent at night effectively prevents tripping hazard and increase safety. This paracord is still a professional-grade parachute cord, no need for concern about accidents anymoreWIDE APPLICATION OCCASIONS - The flexibility and strong strength of umbrella rope make it very versatile. It\'s great for tent ropes, securing patio shades, hammocks, or hanging string lights, and providing sturdy support for storing heavy items like kayaks and bicycles in a basement or garage. In emergencies, this para cord performs as a crucial safety rope. A must-have for fishing and a valuable outdoor tool for campingMUST-HAVE EDC GEAR - Ideal for men and women who enjoy outdoor activities like travel, hiking, camping, boating, fishing, kayaking, and sports.The parachute cord is great for crafting DIY items like paracord coasters, dog collars,leashes, lanyards, keychain, belts, survival cord, car emergency kits and even for wrapping axes, tools, carabiner.Woven into a bracelets, dog collars, or a shoelace with reflective guideline, enhancing visibility and grip-an invaluable tool in emergenciesNO SMELL & LIFETIME WARRANTY- Our para cord is meticulously crafted and manufactured through advanced mechanical processes.Every thick paracord is backed by superior quality and under strict quality inspection, and can be used with confidence.If you are encounter any problems or not satisfied with our nylon paracord, we will send you a satisfied solution

2024-04-04 19:04:10

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