해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Amazon Basics 8-Sheet Cross Cut Paper Shredder and Credit Card Shredder - Black

상품번호 B0C6LZ8S34
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상품가격 $36.00
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Cross-cut paper and credit card shredder cuts material into approximate 0.2 x 0.7 inches (5 x 18 mm) pieces; meets security level P-4 standardsShreds up to 8 sheets of 20-pound bond paper at a time; shreds credit cards (one at a time, but not suitable for metal credit cards), staples, and small paper clips3 minute runtime and 30 minute cool down; if unit goes beyond max run time, it automatically shuts off to prevent overheating4 mode control switch (auto/on, off, reverse, forward) and LED status indicators for power on, overheat and overload; easy to empty 3.7 gallon binQuality tested: As part of Amazon Basics quality inspections, we test every shredder before shipping it, which means you may see some paper shreds from the testingImportant Note: Do not spray or keep any aerosol products in or around the shredder, and do not shred items like metallic credit cardsRefer to the user manual, troubleshooting guide, and instructional video before useProduct dimensions: 7.2 x 12.8 x 13.8 inches (WxLxH)
An Amazon Brand

2024-07-10 01:02:05

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