해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
YIHOUSE Bathroom Rugs Sets 5 Piece, Cobblestone Memory Foam Bathroom Mats Set Extra Thick, Non Slip Bath Mats for Bathroom, Water Absorbent, Washable Black Bath Rugs for Tub, Toilet and Floor

상품번호 B0C6M2HMJC
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상품가격 $69.98
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【Bathroom Rugs Sets】Bathroom rug set 5 pieces included large bath rug 20\' x 46\', 32\' x 20\' and 24\' x 17\' long Mat, 18\' x 16\' small mat, 24\' x 20\' U-Shaped counter rug.Several size and color rugs for choosing will perfectly match your bathroom,living room,vanity etc, also be the great gift ideas for friend, family.【Super Soft And Comfort 】Thicker and better constructed memory foam bathroom mat, this super soft and ultra-comfortable bath rug provides comfortable experience for your feet. The Bathroom rug is specially designed to help you eliminate foot pressure and provide you with advanced support that other bath mats cannot provide.【Super Non-Slip Backing】The bottom of the floor mat is made of a new drip dots molding technology process, prevent fading, which can sit firmly on the wooden and tile floor without damaging the floor. Please make sure that the bottom of the bath mat is dry and clean before each use to prevent the rug from slipping.【Super Absorbent Bath Mat】YIHOUSE bathroom mat consists of soft velvet contact layer and thick memory foam filling, it can help to absorb water in seconds, allowing the rug to dry quickly and cleanly. protect your feet from the cold floor, and prevent the floor from getting wet, making your feet feel the ultimate luxury.【Machine Washable Bath Rug】Durable material, our bath rugs will without fading, lint, or warping after multiple machine washes, and the water absorption and anti-slip properties will not be affected after drying. Please use neutral detergent to wash cold while washing.

2024-07-11 23:01:15

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