해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Wooden Step Stool for Kids,Toddler Step Stool for Bathroom Sink and Toilet Stool for Potty Training Anti-Slip Sturdy Height Lift Kitchen Helper Stool with Handles (Natural logs)

상품번호 B0C6SW77CL
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Baby Products / Nursery
브랜드 Brand: AIMOADO
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $48.99
상품가격 상세보기

AIMOADO Our toddler step stool is suitable for matching the height of counters like hand wash and kitchen sink. It is a great learning bathroom step stool for kid’s potty training, tooth ,toddler stepping stool is suitable for Kid\'s at different ages. step stool is also a wonderful gift for your toddlers on birthday and holidays.Step stool size: 15" x 18.5" x15.4" ,The ladder can be adjusted according to the height and weight of children\'s tell, can be suitable for adults, Kid, the elderly,300lb Load capacity,We come with easy to install pictures very easy to follow combinations and mobileWooden two step stool brings kids two steps closer to independence,Unlike other stools that use cheap veneer particle MDF board and Multi-layer plate compression, AIMOADO toddler step stool is made of real wood 0.8" thick, painted with natural and water-based paint.this two step stool is intended for use with kids up to 300 lbs6 stool assembly boards, 8 freehand installation of screws and screw caps, without the use of tools to install, freehand can be installed, 1 installation instructions, thickened blister packagingmoney back guarantee or resend a new replacement for the customer Our customer service is online 24 hours a day, you can contact us by email at any time, we will provide you with the best service. Within 1 year of receipt of the product m free replacement, lifetime to provide free maintenance!

2024-04-04 18:39:47

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