해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Llano Diffuser Hair Dryer for Curly Hair with 1500W Motor & 10,5000 RPM & 19m/s, Travel Small Size Compact Fast Drying Ionic Blow Hair Dryer, 100times/s Smart Heat Sensor (Gray)

상품번호 B0C6TV64C7
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상품가격 $89.99
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Intelligent Temperature Control: Diffuser hair dryer equipped with an intelligent temperature sensor that measures and adjusts the heat 100 times per second, ensuring your hair is protected from overheating and always stays healthy and smoothPowerful Airflow: 19m/s high speed hair dryer with a 10,5000 RPM motor, it quickly dries your hair without the need for prolonged waiting, effectively reducing drying time and saving you valuable timeNegative Ion Technology: Emitting 100 million negative ions, ionic hair blow dryer reduces static electricity, improves hair smoothness and shine, and helps reduce hair breakage, giving your hairstyle a healthier appearanceVersatile Styling: Featuring a 360-degree rotatable diffuser and concentrator, it suits various hair types and styles (Curly Hair,Straight Hair,Bob Hair,Layered Hair,etc), from natural curls to sleek straight hair, catering to your diverse styling needs for a unique look every timeEfficient Energy-Saving Design: Powered by a 1500W high-speed brushless motor, it reduces drying time by 60% compared to traditional hair dryers, boosts airflow by 90%, while conserving 50% of energy, delivering both high-performance and environmental sustainability

2024-07-11 00:20:20

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