해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
KOSPET Smart Watches for Women Answer/Make Calls, 50 Days Battery, 50M Waterproof FitnessTracker, AI Voice Assistant, 1.3" AMOLED Display, 24H Sleep/Heart Rate Smartwatch for Android iPhone

상품번호 B0C6XLBHD4
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상품가격 $89.99
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Designed for women - KOSOET S1 by the famous Italian designer Carolina Bucci led the design, the body is only 48g, 13MM thickness, is currently the thinnest and lightest women\'s outdoor watch; space aluminum alloy bezel high-end design, edible grade ultra-soft strap, wearing a sense of great comfort. It shows women\'s elegant charm, and is the best choice for modern fashionable women.1.3\' AMOLED display - optimal wearable size for women-KOSOET S1 is equipped with 1.3" HD AMOLED permanently bright color screen, with color gamut up to 100% RGB and brightness up to 1000NIT, which is twice as bright as other smartwatches, giving you ultra-high-definition sensory experience; the first glass bezel cover with anti-glare technology allows the watch to be clearly visible when it\'s outdoors.Professional customization of women\'s health: S1 has developed a special women\'s health management board for women\'s needs. By opening the KOSPET FIT and finding "Female Health",which tracks women\'s needs, including menstrual cycles. More than 70 exercise modes, such as yoga, swimming, etc. Feature of monitor the quality of sleep, heart rate and calories, making it the best life companion for women. It can also monitor sleep quality and calories, making it the best life partner for women.AI Voice Assistant: S1 can receive notifications from Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Send commands with your voice and the AI voice assistant will do the rest. You can ask questions, play the music you want to hear, check the weather, set alarms and timers. You can also make/receive calls through the voice assistant, making daily workouts and life scenarios where it\'s inconvenient to hold a cell phone (such as driving) simpler and smarter.Multiple Colors & Multiple Dials:KOSOET S1 is available in 4 colors; and with 4 exclusive dials as well as 100+ shared dials, you can also upload your own photos, such as selfies or photos of your pets, to create a truly personalized look. With endless possibilities, make your watch truly yours.

2024-09-05 05:03:24

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