해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Light Blocking Stickers - 144PCS Light Blackout Covers with Tweezers for Electronics Light Dimming for Routers, Monitors and Electrical Appliances, Block 95%-100% of LED Lights (Blackout)

상품번호 B0C71NS7P1
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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Home Décor Products
브랜드 Brand: Breliter
판매자 Amazon
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상품가격 $3.99
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Annoying blinking lights BE GONE - Help sleep better without all the mini indicator lights on modems, routers, air purifier, electronics, etc. As well as block cameras that may be in danger of privacy disclosure, pitch dark and bring peace of mind.Package Content - Come with 2pcs light blocking sticker sheets and a tweezer. Total 144 small stickers, each sticker is completely shaded.Premium Material: Made of matte light blocking material, with self-adhesion and leave no residue. Easy to use, just peel it and cover anywhere you want.Multiple Styles - Come in various shapes, which are creative and cute, remain the original style of the appliance.SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - Breliter stand behind our products 100% and if for any reason you are not completely satisfied, simply contact us and we\'ll make it right.
Breliter Blackout Light Blocking Stickers Easy to Use Self Adhesive Various of Shapes 144Pcs Pre-cut Stickers Cover Brightness 95% ~ 100% Package Include: 2 x light blocking sticker sheet, 1 x sticker tweezer Note: Since the sticker is dimming light blocking or blackout, electronics remote function with infrared may be effected.

2024-07-11 10:56:33

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