해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Soup Bowls, soup plate, 8.6 Oz Pasta Bowl Set of 4, Black Shallow Bowl Plates, Porcelain Rimmed Bowls with Rim, best gift Black 11 in Width side soup bowl

상품번호 B0C72CCLC9
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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Kitchen & Dining
브랜드 Brand: jinsongdafa
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $62.89
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They are shallow plate-type bowls, it could cool the food quickly, Perfect size:11"L x 2"H inch Soup Bowls, center bowl size: 5.4 inch, Normal capacity:8.6 ounce, These soup bowls are a for Restaurants, Hotels, Homes and Chefs, Favorite Choice.Quality Craftsmanship: Porcelain is also dropped and shock-resistant. The porcelain pasta bowls are stacked with thin foam between each bowl, and the stack itself was wrapped in very thick foam. Stacked on top of each other with an exquisite compact package. There are no defects or chips found in any pasta bowl.Multi-purpose pasta bowls set of 4: These Pasta Plates and Bowls Sets For 4 can be used to be bowls as well as plates. From assortments of roasted vegetables to salads. As a soup plate set are an essential addition to your kitchen, you can serve hearty portions of soup, pasta, stew, salad, vegetables, cereal, dessert, etc.These serving bowl set are stackable and, Easy to clean, you can wash them with soap and hot water or place them in your dishwasher. It can be washed up beautifully. No chips, scratches, or discoloration.Bright Black Coloring and Elegant Straw-Hat Shape Design, pasta bowls and dessert plates have industry-favorite traditional contours, ideal for various dining environments, from casual to the white tablecloth, can easily solve your color matching troubles.

2024-07-10 22:13:15

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