해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
120 Pcs Seed Pods Kit, Hydroponics Garden Accessories for Hydroponic Growing System, Grow Anything Kit with 30 Grow Sponges, 30 Grow Baskets, 30 Grow Domes, 30 Pod Labels

상품번호 B0C73YW1FW
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What You Will Get: 120pcs hydroponic growing kit including 30 grow sponges, 30 grow baskets, 30 grow domes, 30 pod labels, adequate quantities provide all the accessories you need for your indoor hydroponic growing system. Grow baskets and grow domes can be recycled, and seeds are not included.Compatible with Different Hydroponics Growing Systems: The seed pod kit is compatible with most hydroponics growing systems. The size of the growing basket is about 1.78 X 2.68 X 0.5 inches, in order to provide a better environment to help plants germinate in hydroponic growing systems, please check the size information before purchasing.Premium Materials to Help Grow: Our hydroponic growing sponges are made of natural peat, which has a high water absorption capacity and provides a good environment for plants to germinate. The grow baskets and grow domes are made of durable plastic, which is tough, not easily deformed and can be washed and reused. And pod labels are made of PVC material, which is sticky and does not come off easily.Easy to Use and Transplant: The seed pods kit can be used for hydroponics as well as for soil planting, making it easy to transplant. Our seed pods kit is easy to use without any tools, just remove the old sponge and replace it with our new one.Ideal Gardening Gift: From strawberries to tomatoes, basil to herbs, flowers to vegetables and fruit, our seed pods kit let you grow all what you like. And it\'s perfect for anyone who loves to grow plants, whether they\'re a beginner or an experienced gardener.

2024-02-13 16:46:32

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