해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SEATZONE Desk Chairs with Wheels Beige White Office Chairs with Flip Armrest Fabric Office Chair for Adjustable Backward Tilt

상품번호 B0C77LTQMC
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상품가격 $109.99
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✓【Super Soft Skin-friendly Fabric】: The special feature of comfortable office chair is the seat cover made of skin-friendly fabric, which provides you with ultimate comfort and pleasant feeling. The seat of computer desk chair cushion that provide a soft seating surface, and the high-density padded foam allows you to sit for long periods of time without pain. Beautiful stitching details and a multi-colored look highlight the swivel chair\'s modern design, allowing it to blend in with any decor.✓【Comfort and Health】: The small computer chair is ergonomically designed with a soft backrest, which perfectly adapts to the back. It can be tilted back 120° to reduce fatigue and stress. The executive office chair with folding armrests provides ample support for hands and can be folded and stored under the desk when needed, making the most of any space.✓【High Quality Materials】:Office chairs is made of chrome-plated metal chair frame and sturdy nylon casters for excellent stability and mobility. The sturdy cylinders are Bifima certified for added reliability and stability. Thanks to the 360° swivel seat and smooth-running nylon casters, you can move freely around the office without leaving your swivel chair.✓【Quick Installation】: The desk chairs with wheels come with all accessories included in the box. We provides you with detailed, easy-to-follow installation instructions and shows you the assembly tools you need. With step-by-step instructions, a work chair is easily assembled and ready to use in about 15 to 25 minutes!✓【100% Satisfaction】: We provides professional customer service before and after your purchase. We offer free replacement or 30-day money back guarantee for any chair for desk with quality problems. Free replacement of damaged and missing parts as part of the purchase.

2024-09-30 02:14:11

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