해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Lucky Egg Shush - The Shooting Party Game - Fun Family Games for 8+ Year Olds, 2-8 Players - Party Games for Adults & Kids - Perfect for Indoor & Outdoor Games Nights, Games Kids, Funny Games

상품번호 B0C786VVLS
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상품가격 $29.99
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? Fast Paced Party Game - Put your sneaky skills to the test dodging foam bullets as The Creepers in a game of wits and agility. Or take on the challenge of the blindfolded Shooter, showcasing your hearing and aiming prowess as you skillfully take aim at your opponents. The Creepers won\'t know what hit them - literally!? Four Thrilling Game Modes - Get ready for hours of fun with 4 electrifying game modes with our Family Game; Bulldog, Team Offensive, Thieves in the Night and Beneath Your Feet.? Activate Stealth Mode - In your quest as a Creeper avoiding foam bullets, you’ll end up scaling couches, leaping over chairs and diving under tables!? Easy to Learn - Each game mode is quick to learn, making it perfect for family nights, groups of friends or team buildings activities. It can be played indoors or outdoors.? What\'s Inside - Includes 1 Shush Blaster, 12 foam bullets, 1 blindfold, 6 protective face shields, 28 tokens and 2 base pads! Just gather your friends, load the Blaster and get ready for some high-energy fun!

2024-02-13 12:21:27

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