해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Android 13 Tablet with Keyboard 10.4 inch Tablets,19GB(8+11)Ram 256GB Storage Tablet 1TB Expandable, 8 Core Processor, 2000*1200 IPS, 2.4G/5G WiFi, 8000mAh, BT 5.0, GPS Android Tablets bundle-Gray

상품번호 B0C7H3HPCG
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Electronics / Computers & Accessories
브랜드 Brand: POWMUS
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $189.99
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【19GB (8GB + 11GB expansion) RAM +256GB ROM + Powerful 8 Core CPU】This android 13 tablet with 8GB RAM and able to expand up to 19GB, along with 256GB internal storage and Up to 2TB of storage is available using a MicroSD card(FAT32 formatted sold separately). This 5g wifi tablet is a powerhouse of performance. The octa-core processor MediaTek T606 is manufactured using a low-power 12nm process, ensuring a smooth and efficient operations for all your tasks. (Note:SIM card slot is unavailable)【Personalized Android 13 System】With the latest Android 13 system, offering a seamless blend of privacy and personalization. Enjoy the convenience of desktop widgets for easy operation and customization. With voice typing support and screen split functionality, you have the power to customize and multitask like never before.【10.4\'\' 2K In-cell Screen】Immerse yourself in the world of entertainment with a stunning 10.4-inch 10:6 wide-view screen, featuring TDDI technology for crystal-clear visuals. From vibrant colors to lifelike images, this octa core tablet\'s 2000*1200 resolution brings you a truly immersive experience, surpassing ordinary G+G screens. Enhance your viewing pleasure with eye-protection mode, extra dim mode, and customizable color of display, catering to all your needs.【2.4G/5G WiFi + GPS + 8000mAh + More】Capture the world around you with the dual cameras(8+13MP), stay connected with dual WiFi(2.4Ghz+5G) and Bluetooth 5.0 support, and never lose your way with the built-in GPS. The 128g tablet\'s 8000mAh battery ensures long-lasting performance, and features like screen cast, parental controls, and face unlock add an extra layer of convenience and security to your digital life.【All-in-One Tablet】Our gaming tablet is more than just a tablet; it\'s a complete tablet computer. Equipped with a keyboard, mouse, protective case, stylus pen, and screen protector, it caters to your every requirement, making it your ultimate multitasking tool, whether it\'s work, creativity, or entertainment.

2024-09-06 11:01:51

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