해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ASUS ROG Strix Scope II 96 Wireless Gaming Keyboard, Tri-Mode Connection, Dampening Foam & Switch-Dampening Pads, Hot-Swappable Pre-lubed ROG NX Snow Switches, PBT Keycaps, RGB-Black

상품번호 B0C7KFZ5TL
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상품가격 $149.99
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96% layout: Retains all function and number keys in a more compact and efficient layout that frees up desk spaceHot-swappable switches: Pre-lubed NX Snow linear switches and ROG NX Storm clicky switches with walled stem design to enhance keystroke stability and are tuned for great acousticsTri-mode connection: Connect using Bluetooth (up to three devices), 2.4 GHz with ROG SpeedNova wireless technology or wired USBSound-dampening foam with switch-dampening pads: Unique, integrated dampening foam with added switch-dampening pad structure absorbs pinging noises and echoes for improved keystroke acoustics.Enhanced typing experience: Pre-lubed keyboard stabilizers produce less friction for smoother keystrokes and stability for longer keys; durable ROG PBT doubleshot keycaps or UV-coated ABS keycaps offer a premium feel and shine resistanceHotkeys: F1–F5 keys are pre-programmed as hotkeys for Xbox Game Bar and recordingIntuitive controls: Multi-function button and multi-wheel for media playback, volume, and keyboard lightingROG Omni Receiver: Connect to multiple supported devices wirelessly with a single receiverUnique ROG-themed space bar: UV-coated spacebar with special ROG markings and three underside RGB LEDsErgonomic design: Three tilt positions and a detachable wrist rest
The brand new ROG Scope II 96 is here. With an all-new design, this high-end mechanical gaming keyboard will have you dominate the competition. Loaded with ROG\'s SpeedNova wireless technology for blazing fast response times and the brand new ROG NX Snow linear switch, this compact keyboard does it all. Gain the functionality of a full-size keyboard in a smaller and more space-saving form factor, never again do you have to worry about your desk space.

2024-02-13 12:45:00

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