해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
USB Digital Microscope, 50x-1600x Magnification Handheld, 1440P HD 8 LED Lights, Portable Microscope Compatible with iOS and Android Devices, 2MP Portable Microscope Camera for Adults, Kids

상품번호 B0C7S6ZNYT
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상품가격 $22.47
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Upgraded 50X-1600X Digital Magnification, Handheld microscope with +2MP camera based on its 1920X1440P picture and video resolution. Allowing you to view the smallest details of the specimen, such as plants, coins, diamonds, welding, etc. Count on 8 adjustable LEDs to provide enough illuminance even in the dark.Portable & Convenient Microscope Camera, Mini size makes it a very handy and fun tool to always have with you on nature hikes. No charge is needed for it. To help get high-quality images, make sure your device counts on 20% battery.No WiFi is needed, easy to use, just need to plug the adapter into your Smartphone or Tablet and back to the App where You can start enjoying the observation. Never unstable wifi connections. Suitable for Android 6.0 + (OTG function/USB-C) and iOS 10.0+. For iPhone and Android, with Type-C cable with lightning and micro-USB adapters. Works with iPhone 15 and 16. Not compatible with laptops or desktops (Computers).An excellent science and fun tool, built with the strongest material is a very useful and interesting device for parents, teachers, professionals, adults, collectors, testers, electronic repair specialists, soldering and inquisitive technical who are interested in exploring skin hair scalp trichomes and the microscopic world.Fields & Scenarios: Educational purpose, Hair, Skin, Jewelry, Gems, Coins, Electronics, Textile, Printing, PCB and Precision Machinery, Microbial inspections.What you will get: a Digital Microscope with a 4.92FT USB type C cable with lightning and micro-USB adapters for smartphones and tablets and, a user manual.This Microscope only accepts one device at a time. For optimal image quality, a steady hand is recommended.For technical support, please contact Customer Support anytime.

2024-11-30 07:07:19

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