해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Golden Sheen Obsidian Crystals and Healing Stones - Large Palm Stone Crystals Piedra - Crystal for Good Luck, Positive Energy, Meditation - Unique Stocking Stuffers and Birthday Gifts for Women, Men

상품번호 B0C7W13MDT
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상품가격 $19.99
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Large Golden Sheen Obsidian Palm Stone : Our golden sheen obsidian palm stone is large that perfectly fits in your palm and perfect for those who appreciate crystals and healing stones. This authentic golden sheen obsidian stone is ideal for reiki supplies and other spiritual practices, making it a thoughtful birthday gifts for men and women.Perfect Birthday Gifts for Any Occasion : Ideal as birthday gifts for mom dad, birthday gifts for teen girls, or birthday gifts for boyfriend. These golden sheen obsidian stones serve as thoughtful and meaningful birthday gifts for her and birthday gifts for him.Handcrafted for Elegance and Healing : Each golden sheen obsidian crystal is meticulously handcrafted, combining beauty and function. These crystals and stones make excellent birthday gifts, offering a unique blend of elegance and healing benefits.Versatile and Multi-purpose : Our golden sheen obsidian palm stone is versatile, suitable as christmas stocking stuffers and even as ester basket stuffers. These palm stones and crystals gemstones can be used for yoga meditation, decoration, and healing.Value & Warranty - Trusted by Millions In Gemstone\'s Market since Generations, brings Top of the Best to You. Our exclusive customer support is always live to help you sort any issue.

2025-01-10 14:31:39

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