해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
LINKLIFE Baking Pans Set 7-Piece Nonstick Steel, Baking Sheet Set with Rack, Square Cake Pan, Quarter Cookie Sheet, Bread Loaf, Deep Rosating Pan, Pizza Muffin Pans for Air Bake Oven Kitchen

상품번호 B0C7W9YGC7
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상품가격 $31.50
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Kitchen Essential: Stackabl bakeware set includes pizza pan and cupcake pan that are compatible with air fryers, 9" square pan, 10" loaf bread box, quarter cookie sheet and 15" roaster pan with flat rack made of 304 stainless steel for chicken, turkey, or a juicy rack of ribs roastingNonstick Baking Set: Reinforced non-stick oven safe coating ensures perfect food release and easy hand washing or dishwasher cleaning. Made to last cake pans resist scratch and rust, dishwasher safe, making cleanup a breezeAirFryer Compatible: The pizza pan and 4 cupcake pans are specially designed to fit perfectly in most air fryers, allowing you to enjoy crispy and delicious treats with ease. Say goodbye to greasy deep-fried foods and hello to healthier, air-fried alternatives!Durable Baking Sheet: Made with carbon steel tri-layered wrap resistant and quick even heat distribution. It can handle up to 450°F/230°C for oven baking, air frying, perfect for any home kitchen baking occasionApartment Essential Bakeware Set is tailored to meet your cooking needs. It\'s the perfect gift for yourself or a loved one who enjoys cooking and baking. With its versatility, durability, and compatibility with air fryers, this set is sure to become a staple in your kitchen

2024-02-13 12:11:47

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