해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
KINGDO Blackhead Remover Vacuum - Pore Vacuum with Nano Facial Mister, USB Rechargeable Blackhead Extractor for Removing Blackheads, Acne, Whiteheads, Exfoliation,4 Suction Heads & 5 Adjustment Modes

상품번호 B0C815YYJM
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상품가격 $19.98
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【Blackhead Removal that can Moisturize and Hydrate】Pore extractor with nano facial sprayer, after cleaning the blackheads, oil, and dirt on the face, one key to turn on the nano facial sprayer can hydrate the skin, making it more moisturized and comfortable, relieving skin redness and tightness, as well as soothing the skin and increasing the elasticity of facial skin【Safely and Effectively Removes Blackheads】KINGDO pore cleaner can produce up to 70Kpa suction power, which is three times as powerful as ordinary products. The powerful vacuum head not only greatly shortens the time to suck blackheads, reduces the irritation and damage to the skin, but also provides strong and stable suction to safely and effectively remove blackheads and whiteheads, effectively removing oil, impurities and dust particles for direct deep cleansing【Suitable for All Facial Problems and Skin Types Face】Face Vacuum pore cleanser has 5 different powerful suction levels, Levels 1 for sensitive and delicate skin; Levels 2 for dry skin; Levels 3 for normal skin with a few blackheads and oil; Levels 4-5 for combination, oily skin, and skin with stubborn blackheads. 4 interchangeable tips designed for different skin conditions (microdermabrasion tips included) to effectively clean Blackheads, dirt, dead skin, and oil on the skin【Nano Hydration Spray】Hydration Spray can decompose water into nano-ionized water particles, the water mist can be immediately absorbed by the skin and deeply moisturize the skin, it can effectively relieve the dryness and redness of the skin after sucking blackheads, suitable for daily facial care, we recommend using it after sucking blackheads. Please note that this facial sprayer emits a cold mist. To make full use of the sprayer, we recommend filling the water tank with distilled water only【Easy to Use and Rechargeable】The blackhead sucking machine comes with a TYPE-C quick charge cable and rechargeable battery, which can be used for 2 months with 2 hours of charging (recommended to use once a week for no more than 10 minutes each time) Easy to carry around. One button switch makes it easy to operate, just open the top silicone cap, pour distilled water inside and gently slide the switch on the back to turn on the nano hydrating spray【Product Guarantee and Product List】KINGDO blackhead remover vacuum is FCC, MSDS, UN certified, made of environmentally friendly ABS material, safely insulated, and harmless to humans, and comes with a 24-month warranty and 24-hour email after-sales service, and promise 30 DAYS FULL REFUND Guarantee if it has quality issue.You will get: blackhead remover vacuum x 1, interchangeable heads x 4, filter pads x 30, cleaning brush x 1, USB charging cable x 1, and product manual x 1.

2024-10-31 23:54:42

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