해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Esstac Triple Pistol Gap KYWI Mag Pouch

상품번호 B0C83HQVCY
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상품구분 Sports & Outdoors / Hunting & Fishing
브랜드 Brand: Esstac
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $46.00
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Features an added gap between the pouches to accommodate for magazine pouches with long base plates such as M&P, CZ, and Gen5 Glock magazinesFits double stack pistol magazines (Retention may vary for single stack)Glock26/27 or similar magazines will NOT work as they will be too short in heightHybrid kydex and nylon designKydex wedge insert (KYWI) provides retentionRequires mounting hardware
With a straight forward, user friendly and highly intuitive design the KYWI mag pouch is like no other. Utilizing a hybrid kydex and nylon design, you get all the rigidity you would expect from a kydex pouch and the lack of noise you want from a nylon pouch. These pouches feature a kydex wedge insert (KYWI) that provide the needed retention to secure your magazines without the need for bungee cord for rapid mag changes. Note From Manufacturer: Esstac will be phasing out the PALS webbing on the rear of Kywi pouches with Brookwood Laminate Squadron laser cut PALS backers. Squadron is currently in use with many of Esstac’s current pouches. During the transition, orders may contain pouches with webbing, the new laser cut backer, or a mix of both.

2024-09-05 00:18:40

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