해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Enther Mixing Bowls - Set of 3 Stainless Steel Mixing Bowls with 304 Stainless Steel - Heavy Duty, Easy To Clean, Nesting Bowls Space Saving Storage, Great for Cooking, Baking, Salad,Silver

상품번호 B0C85LXNVB
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상품가격 $22.00
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【HEAVY DUTY】-Each bowl is made of high-quality heavy gauge stainless steel, which is resistant and rustproof, so bowls can be used with satisfaction. The mixing bowls are much thicker than other general bowls, but lightweight and easy to handle, more resistant and durable, great for storing food.【MULTI-SIZED AND MULTI-FUNCTIONAL】-The stainless steel bowls set is deepened basin type with 3.2 /2.1 /1 quart volume, 3 sets for mixing ingredients without any splashing, the lightweight mixing bowls—ideal for mixing eggs, stirring desserts, salads.【304 STAINLESS STEEL】-Grade 304 is a standard "18/8" stainless. It is the most versatile and most widely used stainless steel available, and has excellent forming and welding characteristics. The stainless steel bowl is of high quality.【PRACTICAL DESIGN】-The mirror polishing process, smooth surface, no rust and has the function of odor. Conform to the body structure design, when using the mixing bowls, the rounded bowl shape design firmly on the worktop is not susceptible to slipping.【SPACE SAVING】-The different sizes of metal mixing bowls can be stacked neatly for easy storage and portability, saving space in your cabinets and organized effect in your cabinets. The sturdy quality makes it safer to use and more impact resistant.【EASY TO CLEAN】-Convenient to use and even easier to clean. These mixing bowls for kitchen are bound to stain and taste resistant. The steel bowls can be easily cleaned with water and soap, or in the dishwasher.
Material: Premium stainless steel Various Size: Bowl 3.2 Qt Bowl 2.1 Qt Bowl 1 Qt 3 Sizes of mixing bowls (No Lid ) can feed family needs and can replace other similar containers, different sizes can be nested. Sized For Every Tasks Numerous functions. The kitchen mixing bowls are ideal for whisking eggs, mixing dessert, baking batters, cake dough, tossing salads, marinating. Sturdy and lightweight Due to the thick bowl, it has a long lifetime and will not deform. Premium Stainless Steel Polished mirror design, rust and taste resistant. An easy to grip rounded-lip on the stainless steel bowl set makes handling easier. Deepen design, no worry about spatter when you are doing egg beating and whisking. Super convenient to clean Arc bottom with smoothly, no dead corner when clean. The bowls can be still shine after washing with water and soap or in the dishwasher. Neatly nested These salad bowls, or serving bowls, seamlessly nests together and offers space-efficient storage helps settle kitchen cupboards. Mixing bowls for kitchen mixing bowl sets for kitchen. Warm Tips: 1. Please disinfect with high temperature water or soak a few minutes before using 2. Please avoid knife or sharp things.

2024-02-13 11:42:36

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