해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
JLab JBuds Air Sport Gen 3 True Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds + Charging Case, Graphite, IP66 Sweat Resistance, Multipoint, Dual Connect, 3 EQ Sound Settings, Find wth Tile…

상품번호 B0C87L85FP
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? LONG BATTERY LIFE: JBuds Air Sport features 9+ hours of playtime in each earbud and 35+ extra hours from the charging case. That’s 44+ hours of playtime. Recharge hassle-free with the charging case and integrated charging cable.?? CONNECT TO MULTIPLE DEVICES: With Bluetooth Multipoint you enjoy the versatility of transitioning seamlessly from device to device. Hop from podcast on your computer to a call on your mobile. You can connect simultaneously to two devices – mobile, laptop and/or computer. Plus with Dual Connect, use either earbud independently or use both together. A built-in MEMS microphone in each bud ensures clear calls.? JLAB APP: With the new JLab App, you’ll have control to customize the Be Aware setting to let outside noise in, touch controls, and sound to your personal preference – or use the presets for JLab Signature, Balance or Bass Boost. Safe hearing option allows you to protect your ears from hearing damage with volume limits. Plus get software updates for your product right when they’re available. Available on the Google Play Store or Apple.? STEREO AUDIO CALLING: The JBuds Air Sport feature stereo audio phone calls. You\'ll hear your friend in both earbuds clear conversations anywhere, anytime. Plus, touch sensors make it easy to control all your music and phone calls with just a tap or two on either earbud.? SWEATPROOF SPORT FIT: An IP66 sweat resistance holds up against sweat and dirt, so hit the trails, the gym and more. The ergonomic earhook fits even the smallest ears and stays securely and comfortably in place. Switch the gel tips out for our included Cloud Foam tips and GO.

2024-04-04 17:25:46

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